Celebrating 4 years of The Giving Lab through the eyes of John and Serena

This year, we celebrate four years of the community-led fund The Giving Lab (TGL). A community event was organised for the occasion at Peckham’s Dene Community Centre, where everyone brought a dish and a story of how The Giving Lab has impacted them personally. Serena and John, two of the Lab’s community champions, reflect on the event and discuss what’s next for The Giving Lab.

John: Well, what can I say about this event? Do you know what, it reminded me of the journey I’ve been on throughout this project. I remember sitting at my first meeting with Marion, Betty and Elaine and thinking “this idea of giving back to the community is something that really resonated with me”. I buckled in for the ride, witnessing how the lab, which started online during Covid times, just continued changing and morphing. It was so fascinating to see how many people were empowered along the way. Tonight’s sharing event marked the next stage of its evolution, where we celebrated the progress and watched as TGL was handed across to the community. What about you Serena?

Serena: Attending the first meeting and being involved in the community participation that evolved into The Giving Lab has been an amazing experience. Witnessing the growth, embracing various opportunities, and utilising my interpersonal skills to give back to the community I know so well has been incredibly rewarding. It's been fulfilling to see The Giving Lab community blossom and take ownership of initiatives that matter in their everyday environment. The sharing events, with their added touch of appreciation, have fostered shared learning and ongoing friendships. Seeing the community feel valued has been incredibly fulfilling. What more could I say? The next chapter promises more joy and more experiences — let's see what it brings!

John: What do you mean by the next chapter?

Serena: Well it was a heartwarming gathering filled with delicious food and powerful stories! The Giving Lab came together for an event that was more than just a meal. For me, it was an evening of connection, empowerment, and shared experiences that highlighted the transformative power of community support.


John: Tell us a little more about the evening Serena!

Serena: The event was organised by The Giving Lab, a space held by TSIP that is dedicated to providing opportunities and resources to underrepresented communities. A group of individuals who have benefitted from The Giving Lab's programs were the stars of the evening. Each member brought a dish that held personal significance, turning the celebration into a culinary journey through diverse cultures and histories.

Stories of Identity and Growth

John: So the event was all about sharing journeys but also people's involvement and their cultures through the various dishes the community members brought on the night? 

Serena: Yeah, it was magical, as the TGL cohort members shared their food, they also shared their stories. These stories were not just about their individual journeys but also about how The Giving Lab had played a crucial role in their personal development. One member spoke about how participating in The Giving Lab’s workshops helped her sense of identity she had long felt disconnected from. Another highlighted how the opportunities provided by The Giving Lab gave him the confidence to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams.


Building Confidence Through Opportunity

John: Sounds like the Giving Lab has given people the space to let their talents shine. 

Serena: Very much so! The recurring theme in all the stories was the confidence that came from being given a chance, a voice. The Giving Lab’s approach of providing practical resources, mentorship, and a supportive community helped the TGL members realise their potential. By understanding and following a structured process, they were able to translate their passions into actionable plans.


A Process to be Shared

John: Do you feel that the community is ready to run with this confidence they have gained through The Giving Lab?

Serena: Totally! One of the most significant outcomes of the evening was the realisation that the process they had learned could be shared with the wider community. The cohort members discussed how they could take the skills and knowledge they had acquired and use them to uplift others. This idea of a ripple effect—where one person’s growth can inspire and enable others to grow—was a powerful takeaway for everyone involved.

A Fruitful Environment

Serena: The evening was a testament to what can be achieved when people come together with a common purpose. The environment was one of mutual respect, learning, and encouragement. The food served as a metaphor for the event itself: a blend of different ingredients coming together to create something beautiful and nourishing.

John: That is beautiful, that the food was a metaphor. So what lies ahead for The Giving Lab?

Looking Ahead

Serena: The success of the event has inspired The Giving Lab to plan more such gatherings. By continuing to provide platforms for sharing food and stories, they hope to foster a sense of community and belonging. The TGL experiences have shown that when people are connected through opportunities, they don’t only gain a sense of identity, but also the confidence to pursue their dreams and share their successes with others.

John: What would you want the people reading this blog to be taking away from it?

Serena: In conclusion, the evening was more than just a dinner—it was a celebration of growth, a sharing of cultures, and a reaffirmation of the importance of community support. The Giving Lab exemplifies how providing opportunities can lead to profound personal and communal transformation. It was also the start of the next stage of the project, where the team's hours are reduced and TGL moves into the model we always wanted it to become, where the community truly owns it, and makes the changes it wants to improve itself and its health.

This blog was co-written by John Whelan and Serena Dyett, edited by Emma Schuring.

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